Moving You Into Action
My first job is to be a quick study for what’s true for you, your whole picture, the pieces you’re aware of and those that you aren’t. I do this by listening to you, taking in the results of the self-assessments I make available to you, asking you a lot of questions, many of which you have never been asked before, and then listening to you some more. Together, we discover what needs to happen which can sometimes feel big and overwhelming. I help you figure out the most do-able, IMMEDIATE next steps so that you can start taking action. Appropriate, intentional action is key. I want you leaving every interaction with a clear set of next steps that you are excited about taking THIS WEEK, before our next call.

Why You’re Stuck
Working as a coach since 2005, I’ve noticed that people get so engaged with the challenges in their day-to-day lives, they forget who they are and what their big picture is. I help them gain enough altitude from their busy-ness that they can see themselves and their priorities clearly, understand where they are on their life and career path, and view themselves with greater neutrality. They let go of harsh self-judgments and acknowledge their strengths and gifts. In owning ALL of who they are, they cannot help but begin to navigate their lives with greater mastery. There is great relief and sense of empowerment for people in finding a way to own, not only their limitations (which they usually know intimately), but also their brilliance, passion, and values.
The reason smart, hardworking, accomplished people sometimes get stuck is that they try to solve the wrong problem. I’ve had clients hire me to help them find a new job when the job is actually not the problem. The job is fine. The problem is they need to learn to LEAVE the job at 6:00 and have a LIFE. Once that becomes clear to both of us, they mobilize incredible resources to address the real goal: creating a life. And they’re off and running
My Commitment to You
Warmth and Candour
While making you accountable
This is hard work, you're not a loser, nor are you alone in your journey
Genuine Interest
In your life, in your success
A fresh look at what's going on and a reminder that you always, always have options.
Stress is draining, humor lifts weight
Tell You the Truth, Ask Powerful Questions, Listen, Challenge You to Move Into Action, Encourage and Enthuse, Time to Move forward